Sponsorship Opportunities
Tee sponsor – $200.00
Tee Sign, Social media, event flyer
Lunch Sponsor – $250
Signage at lunch table, social media, event flyer,
mention in opening ceremony
Dinner Sponsor – $500
Signage in Restaurant, mention at dinner before raffles,
social media, event flyer
Putting contest flyer – $1000
Large sign at practice green, event flyer, mention during
opening ceremony, opportunity for info table, 1 foursome
Cart Sponsor – $1500.00
Signage in each cart, mention at opening ceremony,
event flyer, social media, opportunity for info table,
1 foursome
Gift sponsor – $2500.00
Info in each gift bag, opportunity to place items in gift
bag, mentions at opening ceremony and dinner, event
flyer, social media, 1 foursome
Title sponsor – $4000.00
(Your Name Here) presents the One For The Vets Annual
Golf Tournament. Name on all mailings and social
media postings, Large sign at entrance to the course,
tee sign at 1st tee, sign in restaurant, mention at all
moments of the day, opportunity for info table, speech
opportunity before dinner for company presentation,
and 2 foursomes.
How Your Support Helps
Build homes form homeless vets
Provide stateside assistance to families of the deployed
Help to provide shelter to homeless vets